Imagine returning to your community, family home or business and finding the devastation of a severe flood. Would you know what to do next? This was the reality for many residents of the flood-hit Victorian town of Rochester last spring.
For some the disbelief was followed by displacement and, more than six months on, the town of Rochester is still doing it tough.
We know that short, medium and long term recovery is as important as how we respond at the time of the crisis. That’s why we’re partnering with Community Bank Elmore, Lockington and Rochester. We aim to help get Rochester’s people and organisations back on their feet.
Currently we have:
- Provided a $50,000 grant from the Flood Appeal to Rochester Community House. They will oversee and distribute funds to those who experienced housing loss and damage;
- $2500 flood grant for equipment will assist the newly formed Rochester Playgroup. They aim to attract family participation, and improve mental health outcomes of carers and children affected;
- We have funded the Rochester Golf Club who are housing local families in the clubrooms, and in caravans and tents on the club’s property;
- Approved a $75,000 grant to assist Bendigo Foodshare to buy a refrigerated truck for long-term food security. We’re looking for real relief and impact;
- Supported Rochester Senior Citizens with a $5000 grant. This helped them to replace their clubroom oven which was not covered by their insurance. It will ensure they can continue to act as a community hub and help local senior citizens connect;
- Another equipment grant has enabled Rochester Historical and Pioneer Society to replace their flood damaged photocopier. This allows its volunteers to continue delivering services.
But that is not all!
Our partnership with the Australian Lions Foundation has funded a holiday respite camp. It provides for affected families around Victoria, including those from the Rochester and Echuca areas.
And we’ve assisted rural residents by providing a $20,000 grant to fund the Lockington Blazeaid camp. A basecamp for volunteers who worked on properties rebuilding stock fences and other structures damaged or destroyed in the floods.
We believe that we have an important part to play in helping communities during and after disaster.
We thank the organisations and groups in Rochester who have been instrumental in helping their communities at a time when they’ve needed it the most.