Our New South Wales Bushfire Appeal has provided the Foundation of Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) a grant totalling $600,000. This Bushfire Community Recovery Grant will be distributed in lots of $150,000 a year over the next four years.
This funding will assist FRRR to expand its Investing in Rural Community Futures program in the Bay and Basin area. With a focus on local organisations and their ability to rebuild and respond to the people they support in fire affected communities.
The program kicked off in Vincentia. Eleven volunteers considered the question ‘how can we create stronger organisations for a stronger community?’. Participants brought their passion and their ideas which have fed into a Community Roadmap.

Here is what some of the participants shared about their experience in the workshop:
- In order to move forward you still need to sit still for a moment;
- Lots of perspectives to solve problems rather than be the problem;
- A chance to meet others and work together to improve things;
- Enthused. A day out from our norms. A chance to think. At times tiring, but brilliant;
- With a boost to funding, we can do even more as well as being more efficient.