A margin loan lets you borrow funds against your own investment to buy more financial products. It can magnify the gains to generate further wealth, but can also magnify the losses.
Borrowing to invest
Investors are always on the lookout for ways to boost their investment power in a tax effective way. A margin loan from Bendigo and Adelaide Bank's margin lending specialist Leveraged, provides access to funds to gain additional exposure to investments, dividends, franking credits and the potential to accelerate investment returns.
The margin loan products referenced on this page are issued by our wholly owned subsidiary Leveraged Equities Limited.
Why a Leveraged margin loan?
Competitive rate
Take advantage of discounted rates with a 6 or 12 month fixed rate loan.
Tax effective
Interest paid up to 30 June, including amounts paid in advance, may be tax deductible this financial year.
Comprehensive product suite
Best of breed products and features including a monthly repayment plan in case of a margin call with our Investment Funds Multiplier.
Shares/ETFs/Managed funds
Comprehensive and diverse Acceptable Investments List.
International securities
Extensive list of international securities across developed markets.
Customer satisfaction
Dedicated Customer Service Team to assist you with any queries.
How does borrowing to invest in shares compare?
See how quickly you can achieve your financial goals in a given timeframe using a margin loan versus different investment options with our Financial Goals Simulator.
Want to learn more?
Learn all about gearing and how you can build wealth with these handy videos.
Gearing explained
Leveraged – The Power of Regular Investing
Seamless integration with Bendigo Invest Direct
A margin loan from Leveraged is fully integrated^ with our easy to use, affordable online share trading platform, Bendigo Invest Direct (BID).
BID is all about confidence, providing all the market leading research, sophisticated analytics tools, speed and access you need to identify opportunities and execute trades.
^ Executing Exchange Traded Options (ETOs) trades using a margin loan, is only available via phone.
Can we help you?
Things you should know
The Leveraged Equities Margin Loan, Investment Funds Multiplier and Direct Investment Loan are issued by Leveraged Equities Limited ABN 26 051 629 282, AFSL 360118 (“Lender”) as Lender and as a subsidiary of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited ABN 11 068 049 178 AFSL 237879 (“Bendigo”). The Lender and Bendigo receive remuneration on the issue of the product or service they provide. Investments in this product are not deposits with, guaranteed by, or liabilities of Bendigo nor any of its related entities. The information provided is general advice only and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. It does not constitute financial or tax advice. We recommend that you obtain your own independent professional and tax advice on the risks and suitability of this type of investment and to determine whether your interest costs will in fact be fully deductible in the current financial year in your particular circumstance. Terms, conditions, fees, charges and normal lending criteria apply. Please consider your personal circumstances, consult a professional investment adviser and read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Product Guide available at www.leveraged.com.au or call 1300 307 807 before making an investment decision in relation to this product. Not suitable for a self-managed superannuation fund.
Bendigo Invest Direct
*Online trades only, other rates apply to trades outside the selected markets. Refer to the full list of brokerage rates for more information.
Bendigo Invest Direct is a service provided by CMC Markets Stockbroking Limited ABN 69 081 002 851, AFSL 246381 (“CMC Markets Stockbroking”), a Participant of the ASX Group (Australian Securities Exchange), SSX (Sydney Stock Exchange) and Chi-X (Chi-X Australia)), at the request of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank ABN 11 068 049 178, AFSL 237879 (“Bendigo”). Execution, settlement and clearing services are provided through CMC Markets Stockbroking. Neither CMC Markets Stockbroking nor Bendigo are representatives of each other. To the extent permitted by law, Bendigo will not guarantee or otherwise support CMC Markets Stockbroking's obligations under the contracts or agreements connected with the Bendigo Invest Direct service.
The information provided is general advice only and prepared without considering your personal objectives, financial situations or needs. It’s important that you consider your personal circumstances and view the relevant Terms and Conditions and other information relating to the Bendigo Invest Direct service before making any investment decision. The Financial Services Guides for CMC Markets Stockbroking and Bendigo contain details of fees and charges. All of these documents are available at trading.bendigoinvestdirect.com.au/forms or you can call us on 1300 788 982.